Coriander candour

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an interesting plant. A member of the huge Apium genus of umbellifers, closely related to other important culinary plants such as caraway, carrot, celery, chervil, cumin, …

Dydd Mawrth Crempog

The movable Christian feast known amongst other things as Shrove Tuesday, Dydd Mawrth Ynyd, Carnival or Mardi Gras (depending on whether you’re from Bognor, Bangor, Barranquilla or the Bayou) is on February 28th this …


I adore eggs, whether they be fried, poached, scrambled, soft-boiled, hard-boiled, hot, cold, sweet, savoury, in omelettes, in custards, in cakes, in flans, in soufflés, mousses, meringues, mayonnaise, coddled, curried, benedict, over-easy or …

King Basil

If someone held a gun to my head and said “You can only use one herb ever again, choose now punk or I’ll blow your brains out” (admittedly, an unlikely scenario), my …

Rooting around rwden

The most underused and unappreciated of all the winter vegetables is surely swede. The big purple root was once ubiquitous in the UK, a routine staple with the school dinner and …

Currant affairs

The fruits on my two blackcurrant bushes are so abundant their sheer weight sags the shrub’s woody branches almost to the ground. I’ve been picking daily for a week and …

Lovage story

Of the many herbs I grow, the early spring vanguard are now sprouting enough greenery to be regularly harvested: chives, mint, parsley, sage and, that most underrated and underused of …


It was my lucky day: I picked up a butternut squash at the Food Bank. Squashes, and indeed the whole Cucurbita genus (pumpkins, marrows, gourds, courgettes, cucumbers), are actually fruits not vegetables, being seed-bearing. …


I’m a fairly good cook, if I say so myself. I do an Aubergine Bake that stops traffic, my Cauliflower Cheese is renowned in three counties (Mid Glamorgan, South Glamorgan …